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computer model (kuhm-PYOO-tur MOD-uhl): a computer program that is used to model something

conceptual model (kuhn-SEP-shu-uhl MOD-uhl): a written or illustrated explanation of how something works

diameter (dye-AM-uh-tur): a line segment that passes through the center of a circle and has endpoints on the circle

dimensions (duh-MEN-shuhnz): the length, width, and height of an object

graphical models (GRAF-ik-uhl MOD-uhls): two-dimensional representations of something

key (KEE): a chart that explains the symbols on a map

mathematical model (math-uh-MAT-ik-uhl MOD-uhl): an equation or equations that shows how a system or process works

predict (pri-DIKT): to say what you think will happen

proportional (pruh-POR-shuhn-uhl): having the same ratio

ratio (RAY-shee-oh): a comparison of two amounts using division

representation (rep-ri-zen-TA-shuhn): pictures or models that stand for something else

scale model (SKALE MOD-uhl): proportional models of an object

scientific models (SYE-uhn-TIF-ik MOD-uhlz): representations of an object or event that help us understand the real object or event

simulation (sim-yuh-LAY-shuhn): a model of an experiment

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Science Encyclopedia for KidsUnderstanding Models