atom (AT uhm) — the smallest pieces of matter
chemical reaction (KEM uh kuhl ree AK shuhn) — when atoms move around and rearrange themselves to make new molecules, or substances
circuit (SUR kit) — a loop along which electricity flows when there are no gaps
conductor (kuhn DUHK tur) — a material through which electricity can flow
electrical current (i LEK tri kuhl KUR uhnt) — a flow of electrical charge
electric motor (i LEK trik MOH tur) — a motor in which electricity is used to create movement
electron (i LEK tron) — a particle inside an atom, made of a negative electrical charge
electronics (i lek TRON iks) — controlling the flow of electrons to create tiny electrical currents
energy (EN ur jee) — the ability to do work
generator (JEN uh ray tur) — a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
global warming (GLOH buhl WOR ming) — the gradual warming of Earth's climate
grid (grid) — the network of cables and wires which are spread across the country
insulator (IN suh lay tur) — a material through which electricity cannot flow
magnetism (MAG nuh tiz uhm) — an invisible force in some materials that can attract and repel other materials
matter (MAT ur) — the stuff that things are made of, matter is made up of atoms and molecules
microchip (MYE kroh chip) — a very thin piece of silicon with electronic circuits printed on it
neutron (NOO tron) — a particle inside an atom, it has no electrical charge
pollution (puh LOO shuhn) — making land, air, or water dirty
power plant (POU ur plant) — a factory that produces electricity
proton (PROH ton) — a particle inside an atom, made of a positive electrical charge
resistance (ri ZISS tuhnss) — the way a circuit resists the flow of electric current
static electricity (STAT ik i lek TRISS uh tee) — occurs on the surfaces of materials when there is an imbalance of positive and negative charges
transformer (transs FOR mur) — a machine to reduce the power of electrical current
turbine (TUR bine ) — an engine driven by water, steam, or gas passing through the blades of a wheel, and making it spin
voltage (VOHL tij) — the measurement of the push of the electrical current
watt (wot) — the measurement of the power of electricity
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- Further Information - Books, Websites to visit
- Electricity and Your World - Saving Energy, A Clean Energy?, Future
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