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brackish (BRAK-ish): slightly salty

constructed marshes (kuhn-STRUHKT-id MARSH-iz): man-made marshes, built to imitate nature

dikes (DIKES): walls or dams built to hold back water

ecosystems (EE-koh-sisstuhmz): communities of plants and animals living in their environments

endangered species (en-DAYN-jurd SPEE-sheez): a species of plant or animal that is in danger of extinction

estuaries (ESS-chu-er-eez): areas where rivers meet the sea

habitats (HAB-uh-tats): the natural environments of animals or plants

impurities (im-PYOOR-it-eez): foreign objects that contaminate a substance

levees (LEV-eez): areas built up to prevent flooding

methane (METH-ane): a gas released by bacteria when they decompose organic matter

microbes (MYE-krobez): germs that can cause disease

oxidation (ok-suh-DAY-shuhn): the process of being combined with oxygen

reservoirs (REZ-ur-vwarz): places where a large amount of water can be stored

rookeries (RUK-ur-eez): places where seabirds breed

sludge (SLUHJ): the solid matter of sewage when it is separated from the liquid

threatened (THRET-uhnd): a plant or animal at risk of becoming endangered

watershed (WAW-tur-shed): the land area that drains into a river or lake

wetlands (WET-landz): land where there is much moisture in the soil for all or part of the year

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Science Encyclopedia for KidsRestoring Wetlands