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atomic clocks (uh-TOM-ik KLOKS): clocks that have the ability to measure time very precisely

breadcrumb trail (BRED-kruhm TRAYL): the GPS display of the path a person has traveled

cache (KASH): a waterproof container that usually holds trinkets, a logbook, and a pencil for someone to find

data (DAY-tuh): information that is collected for a specific purpose

geocaching (JEE-oh-kash-ing): using a GPS receiver to locate a treasure hidden somewhere outdoors

Global Positioning System (GLOH-bul puh-ZISH-uhn- ing SISS-tuhm): a system where satellites orbiting Earth send information to receivers, telling them exactly where they are on Earth

latitude (LAT-uh-tood): a measure of a location in degrees north or south of the equator

longitude (LON-juh-tood): a measure of a location east or west of the prime meridian

minesweeping (MINE-sweep-ing): clearing mines (explosive devices) from sea lanes to protect ships as they travel

monitoring stations (MON-uh-tur-ing STAY-shuhnz): ground stations that track satellites and send information back to them to keep them running smoothly

navigation (nav-uh-GAY-shuhn): the process of planning a route with the aid of maps, compasses, or other devices

receivers (ri-SEE-vurz): the units, or devices, we use that take information from satellites to give us our position on Earth

satellites (SAT-uh-lites): objects that orbit the Earth

track log (TRAK LOG): the points stored on a GPS device that show the path a person has traveled

waypoints (WAY-points): specific points logged into a GPS receiver

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Science Encyclopedia for KidsGPS: Global Positioning System